ESD Handling Procedures

ESD Handling Procedures

ESD Handling Procedures

All personnel in an organization who handle ESD sensitive items [ESDS] are to receive ESD control training. In addition, facilities personnel and those who design products or purchase electronic items should also receive ESD control training. Training should occur yearly and is to include objective evidence that the person has understood the information. Training typically includes an explanation of electrostatic charges and discharges [ESD], however this article is limited to basic ESD handling procedures.

There is an ESD susceptibility symbol (also called sensitivity or warning symbol) which should be used to identify components, assemblies, and products that are sensitive to ESD. Subcontractors and suppliers of ESDS must have effective ESD control programs. Unless the company has a policy to consider all electronics as ESD susceptible, it must be clear what items are ESD sensitive prior to having packaging opened or the item otherwise handled.

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