SonoTek Servo Spray Fluxer
The SonoFlux Servo is a fully automated ultrasonic spray fluxing system designed on a high accuracy reciprocating platform. The ultrasonic atomization module uses a high Impact flux transfer system for maximizing top-side fills. All process parameters are controlled with a user friendly Windows®-based interface. SonoFlux Servo is compatible with all flux types, including those used in lead-free manufacturing processes. This system is easily retrofitted into new or existing wave soldering systems or offered in a stand alone system to be added in line.
SonoTek SelectaFlux Retrofit Selective Spray Fluxer
The Sono Tek SelectaFlux Retrofit is a selective ultrasonic spray fluxer designed to be retrofitted into existing selective soldering systems where is desired to improve the fluxing performance compared to the original equipment fluxer. Spray pattern can adjust from 0.070 to 1.50 inches with zero flux overspray. The no clog nozzle is compatible with all flux types.